Thursday, March 22, 2007

Place I never get enough of..

is darbar sahib (Amritsar) in india! I was lucky enough that last year this time I was there for few weeks! I was thinking of flying there last weekend but other chorus in life kept me busy and I did not get to go there.

This place is really beautiful,peaceful.I always get amazed when non-sikhs tell me that they have been there and their experience's when they were there. I remember last year I was feeling really sick and I was craving for my English cereal and was thinking..No.. maybe I should not be here but a friend emailed me and said ENJOY the moment and that he wished he was there!

I guess people, time everything is temporary....everything comes in and out of your life.. you just have to accept,appreciate the moment and time and advice and love,compassion given or shown at a particular time!

This morning,I was so recluant to leave my beautiful bed at 5.15ish am....I had to remind myself to get up and enter another dream-this world!


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